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Infection Prevention and Control Basics (Classic)

Estimated duration: 5 hours

Course Description

In this course, discover best practice standards and principles of infection prevention and control (IPC) to help improve patient quality and safety in your healthcare setting. You will learn about germs and how they can spread and cause infections, the ‘Aseptic Technique’, how to correctly use medical gloves, gowns, aprons, masks, and reprocess shared patient equipment. Modules also touch on how to ensure environmental cleanliness, staff health and create an effective IPC programme to help prevent patients acquiring infection while in your care.

Course Modules

  • 1. Basics of Infection Prevention and Control
    Discover the basic principles of infection prevention and control. You learn about infection progress over the 19th century, along with what infectious agents are, how they are transmitted, and specific controls and precautions to take.
     30 mins

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

  • 2. Microbiology
    Discover microbiology as it relates to infection prevention and control. You will also learn about the germ theory, classes of microorganisms and their diseases.
     30 mins

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  • 3. Aseptic Technique
    Learn about the ‘Aseptic Technique’ as a procedure to prevent the spread of infection. You will discover the various aseptic techniques as they apply to patient care, including wound dressing.
     30 mins

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  • 4. Medical Gloves
    Learn all about medical gloves; where and when gloves began, why use them, choosing the right gloves, standards, and do’s and don’ts of glove use and supply.
     30 mins

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  • 5. Medical Gowns and Aprons
    Learn all about medical gowns and aprons. Discover their history, specification options, how to choose wisely and manage supplies, along with correct donning and doffing.
     30 mins

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

  • 6. Protective Masks
    Learn about protective masks; respirator history, surgical masks, the various types, along with how to correctly use masks in your healthcare setting.
     30 mins

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  • 7. Environmental Cleanliness
    Discover the techniques and procedures of cleaning to prevent and control infection. You will learn why it is important, the difference between cleaning and disinfection, products and equipment use.
     30 mins

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  • 8. Reprocessing Equipment
    Discover the basic theory and principles of cleaning, disinfecting and sterilising shared patient equipment as it applies to preventing and controlling infection.
     30 mins

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  • 9. Staff Health
    Discover the techniques and principles of infection prevention and control that help keep healthcare workers safe, healthy and well. You will learn about employee and employer responsibilities and causes of infection.
     30 mins

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  • 10. Infection Prevention & Control Programme
    Discover helpful information for creating an organisational infection protection control programme. You will learn about duty of care, core components and key tips for creating an organisational IPC plan.
     30 mins

    Login or join ACEhub to access this lesson.

Course Completion Certificate

Once you have completed the course requirements, your printable completion certificate will be downloadable here.